SteelSeries 7H Pro Gaming Headset - Pavillion pad replacement

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Pavillion pad replacement

Another comfort factor is the presence of two pad replacements inside the box created with a softer and more porous material.

In the image below there are two types of pads in comparison; you can clearly see the difference in porosity of the material that makes up the pad.




Replacement is very simple and within the product packaging, among manuals, there is an explanatory sheet with the instructions to make the replacement.





This maneuver can also be very useful to clean the pad itself or the part immediately adjacent to the headset's speaker.

Firmly pulling the pad to your position you can release it from its home position giving you access to headset's speaker.


27_7h_cuffia_change1  28_7h_cuffia_speakerdetail


In the above image we can see that two of the six holes are marked with red; this to avoid to insert the ear pad in reverse.